Budge PR’s experience in the renewables sector started back in the late 90s, working alongside Natural Power Consultants for Powergen (now Eon) on several wind farms in Argyll, Moray and the Scottish Borders.
Since then, the consultancy’s experience has broadened to include work on more than thirty onshore wind projects in Scotland, offshore wind, wave and tidal energy, hydrogen, biomass, hydro, solar and airborne wind energy. Budge PR has worked with utilities, developers, operators, investors, technology innovators and a range of supply chain companies. Among current and past renewables clients are Orbital Marine Power, KPS Energy, ABO Wind UK, AWS Ocean Energy, Dong Energy, Windnova, Verdo Renewables, Renewable Energy Systems, GreenPower, Atmos Consulting, Inazin and Fred Olsen Renewables.
Budge PR was the first PR firm to become a member of Scottish Renewables and the consultancy’s work in the renewables sector has been recognised by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.
Services include;